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Forging the next generation of manufacturing

Wisconsin has a long and storied history in manufacturing. To preserve our legacy of excellence in the industry, schools around Wisconsin are creating fabrication laboratories, or “fab labs,” to encourage high school students to pursue their creative ideas and, ultimately, careers in manufacturing. WEDC has provided nearly $1.1 million in funding support for 34 fab labs in public school districts across the state, with $1 million more in the governor's proposed budget for the next two years. Read more about one of the state’s growing fab lab programs in this article.

Building upon a strong foundation

Wisconsin’s manufacturing sector is thriving, and its success is sustained by the state’s efforts to educate the next generation of workers through fab labs. In addition to developing new talent, the state offers a central location, a nationally recognized Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit program and a robust supply chain—everything manufacturers need for ongoing success.


Join other Wisconsin companies in a location that offers diversity to start, grow or expand your company. For more information about opportunities in Wisconsin, contact me at 608.210.6714 or, or visit

Coleman Peiffer,

Business and Investment Attraction Director

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