Mexico Trade Venture

Mexico offers exciting growth opportunities

Join WEDC for a trade venture to Mexico in February 2019

There are many compelling reasons for Wisconsin companies to export to Mexico, including its status as a relatively easy market to enter for companies that are new to exporting. With Mexico’s growing middle class, consumer products of all kinds are a major opportunity. U.S. products are already well represented (and thus well known and trusted) in the market and are perceived to be a good value for the price. 

Wisconsin has a trade surplus with Mexico, exporting more than it imports—and Wisconsin’s exports to Mexico further increased in 2017 over the previous year. In addition, many products assembled in Mexico are made from U.S. parts, and even imports from Mexico often benefit U.S. companies. Leading export categories from Wisconsin to Mexico include industrial machinery, electrical machinery, vehicles and parts, paper products, plastics, and medical and scientific instruments. Companies interested in exporting to Mexico or growing their exports in the market should consider joining WEDC’s upcoming trade venture to Mexico, Feb. 16-22, which will include segments in Monterrey and Mexico City. Wisconsin companies from a broad range of sectors are encouraged to attend this trade venture.


SUCCESS STORY: 2018 President's "E" Star Awards

E-Star-Award-email.jpgTwo Wisconsin companies were recognized with the President's “E” Star Award, which is the highest recognition any U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to increasing U.S. exports. Learn about this year’s winners.


IN-COUNTRY PERSPECTIVE: Japan's medical devices market

japan-medical-devices.jpgJapan’s medical devices market, which actually comprises a diverse range of subsectors, is growing at a steady pace and presents great opportunities for Wisconsin companies. Learn how to develop a strategy for this promising market.


EXPORT Q&A: Develop an export plan for international business success

exports2.jpgAn export plan is your guideline for the development of your international business. A good export plan is critical in setting and achieving your export targets. Learn about some of the key considerations for developing a smart export plan.


For more information about growing your business through exporting, contact Melissa Finkelstein at 608.210.6856 at or visit

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