MARCH 2019
La Crosse Soup Event



Nationally and here in Wisconsin, the fastest-growing segments of the population are the oldest and youngest demographic groups, generally the baby boomers and millennials/Gen Z. This month’s edition of INtersections explores the way this demographic trend is likely to play out in Wisconsin communities and how our downtowns can be prepared to adapt and thrive as a result.

People playing bags behind a restaurant

Demographic trends and downtowns

While statewide trends in Wisconsin point toward increased growth predominantly in the upper age brackets, both baby boomer and millennial/Gen Z groups show a preference for downtown. 

LaCrosse Soup Event

Infrastructure and amenities for all ages

Downtowns offer unique architecture and affordable spaces well suited to all types of uses, but properties that have not been well-maintained or recently renovated may require both inspiration and capital to transform. 

Mally's Plumbing in Rice Lake after

Fostering interaction and engagement

While infrastructure and amenities can be designed to foster spontaneous interactions, programs can also be designed to actively promote engagement and interaction among like-minded individuals.


Introduction to Kiva Small Business Lending webinar
April 18, 12-1 p.m.
More Information


Wisconsin Rural Summit
April 24-25
Rice Lake
More Information


Wisconsin Main Street Awards
April 26, 5-8 p.m.
Chippewa Falls
Register here


Multi-Modal Workshop
June 26
West Allis
More information


Main Street Orientation
July 17, Madison
More information


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