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MiliiporeSigma set for 80,000-square-foot expansion of Wisconsin facility

MilliporeSigma, the life sciences business of global science and technology conglomerate Merck KGaA, recently announced plans to reinvest in its Wisconsin presence by expanding its Sheboygan Falls location.

The $64 million project will add 80,000-square-feet to the existing location, creating about 175 jobs over the next three years in the process. The project will also consolidate the Flavors & Fragrances and Stains & Dyes operations, currently in Milwaukee and Europe.

“We look forward to growing our capabilities and footprint in Wisconsin, which is already home to four manufacturing sites and our Milwaukee-based North American Central Distribution Center,” said Udit Batra, CEO of MilliporeSigma. “The expansion of the Sheboygan facility will play an important part in leveraging our existing expertise to serve our broader business around the world.”

To aid the expansion, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation awarded MilliporeSigma up to $1.25 million in tax credits over the next three years, contingent upon job creation and capital investment requirements.

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Contact Kristie Pulvermacher or Mark Rhoda-Reis for business growth opportunities in Wisconsin.

For more information about opportunities in bio and life sciences, water technology or medical device manufacturing, contact Kristie.

For information about opportunities in advanced manufacturing; energy, power and control; aerospace; or food and beverage production, contact Mark.

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Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
201 W. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53703

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