
Industry Leadership Inspires Growth

Wisconsin has everything businesses need to succeed: a world-class workforce, an ideal location and business-friendly policies that support growth. These ingredients lead to a culture of innovation that spans five major industries: bioscience; energy, power and control; manufacturing; food and beverage production and water technology. Watch this video to see how industry strengths and a responsive supply chain help to propel Wisconsin businesses forward.

Innovation through Collaboration


Each of the diverse industries in Wisconsin have formed natural innovation hubs thanks to collaboration with renowned research institutions like the Wisconsin Energy Institute and the UW-Madison Center for Dairy Research. These groups, led by our highly skilled workforce and award-winning academic institutions, help create strong clusters that cultivate growth.


Check out this article from Business Facilities Magazine to learn more about Wisconsin’s diverse industry strengths.




Join other Wisconsin companies in a location that offers diversity to start, grow or expand your company. For more information about opportunities in Wisconsin, contact me at 608.210.6714 or, or visit

Coleman Peiffer,

Business and Investment Attraction Director



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