In a state known for its rich agricultural resources and dairy prowess, it’s no surprise Wisconsin has an abundance of economic resources dedicated to helping food and beverage businesses. Three accelerators, located all around the state, have made it their missions to help new food entrepreneurs succeed.

Representing the Northeast portion of the state, Farm Market Kitchen in Algoma provides food entrepreneurs with shared-use food processing and business development space. The organization supports anyone looking to commercialize a food product with supplies, equipment, food marketing and business planning.

Another resource in the state is Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen, a nonprofit dedicated to helping family farms and entrepreneurs showcase the benefit of local food and regional food systems through a commercial kitchen and staff in the Iowa County area. The group specializes in helping clients prepare recipes in small, affordable, commercial batches.

FaB Wisconsin, the state’s food and beverage industry cluster consortium, also launched an accelerator aimed at helping entrepreneurs gain traction in the industry. FaBCAP is a year-long finance and business accelerator for food and beverage companies that provides one-on-one mentoring services, funding and cohort meetings to help companies find market success.

Wisconsin has a long history of excellence in food and beverage production, and with the help of more and more organizations dedicated to fostering the next generation of entrepreneurs this excellence looks to continue growing.