News Coverage

Column: Technology helps drive ‘Holy Trinity’ of Wisconsin economy

Agriculture, manufacturing and tourism are the "Holy Trinity" of the Wisconsin economy and may always be so, given the state’s tradition of excellence in all three sectors. Technology increasingly drives each of those sectors, however, and is slowly building an impressive standing of its own in terms of the jobs and value it adds to the Wisconsin economy. Read More

2017-12-21T08:38:44-06:00March 6, 2017|News, News Coverage|

Column: Bringing startups’ ideas to market; spotlight on the Center for Technology Commercialization

To launch a successful technology startup, entrepreneurs are often faced with a series of challenges. They must secure funding, create a business plan and tap professional resourcing, all while developing and prototyping their product or service. Fortunately for early-stage companies in Wisconsin, the Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC) is available to help entrepreneurs with these efforts. Read More

2019-07-17T09:49:51-05:00February 16, 2017|News, News Coverage|