News Coverage

Eagle Technology Continues International Expansion

Harshad Shah attributes the company’s recent success to the resources available in Wisconsin. In early 2016, Eagle Technology completed the ExporTech™ Program for export readiness and expansion. As a result, the company moved from a reactive to a proactive export strategy—choosing export markets strategically rather than waiting for inquiries and orders to come in from abroad. Read More

2019-07-16T16:41:08-05:00August 8, 2016|FDI, News, News Coverage|

Acquiring Firms Staying Longer

There were 1,537 foreign-owned company headquarters, warehouses, retail facilities and other establishments in Wisconsin that employed more than 86,000 people in 2011... A growing number of those establishments are entering the state with acquisitions of home-grown companies — with the intention of maintaining operations here. Read More

2017-12-21T08:58:41-06:00August 4, 2016|FDI, News Coverage|