Contestants have until 5 p.m. on Jan. 31, to enter their 250-word business ideas for the 2015 Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest. Contest organizers recently announced that about 80 individuals have volunteered to judge entries this year, creating a diverse mix of judges from a cross-section of disciplines that help define Wisconsin’s startup culture.

Major categories of judges include a dozen early stage investors and eight professionals from other financial institutions, such as banks and credit unions. Several early stage investors are UW-Madison graduates based in California’s Silicon Valley.

The list also includes about 20 judges who have backgrounds as entrepreneurs and another five who are executives in larger businesses that often do business with startups and emerging companies. Judges provide feedback to contestants throughout the contest’s four phases.

The mission of the Governor’s Business Plan Contest is to encourage entrepreneurs in the seed, startup and early growth stages of high-tech businesses in Wisconsin. The contest links up-and-coming entrepreneurs with a statewide network of community resources, expert advice, high-quality education, management talent and possible sources of capital.

For more information or to apply, please visit: