Sparta South Pointe Business Park

Nestled in the beautiful rolling hills of western Wisconsin, Sparta is the county seat of Monroe County. Once known for the healing powers of the local artesian springs, Sparta is now most recognized as the junction of the Elroy-Sparta and La Crosse River bike trails. Sparta’s claim as the “Bicycling Capital of America” is based upon the first rail bed in Wisconsin to be converted to bike trails, between Sparta and Elroy. Sparta is by far one of the best communities in Wisconsin in which to live and work. It is a progressive, business-friendly community. Our future is bright and full of opportunities with our newest South Pointe Business Park just off Interstate 90 and State Highway 27. With fully improved lots ranging in size from 1 to 120 acres, the park features convenient access to the interstate and includes community stormwater retention with each parcel. We are a leader in working with a diverse business population as well as providing a high quality of life for our citizens.

Site Features & Contact

General surroundings fit for industrial activity

No significant topography issues

Roadway access

No utility easements that would prevent development

Direct rail access

114.4 contiguous acres not affected by wetlands

Commercial airport access

No known environmental impediments to immediate industrial development

Freight airport access

No known archaeological/historical impediments to immediate industrial development

114.4 contiguous developable acres

No known impediments to immediate development related to endangered species

American Land Trust Association (ALTA) survey

Fire insurance classification rating 3

Site not located on or adjacent to flood plain

Industrial zoning

Flight path certifications not proximate of any airport

Single owner with documented willingness to sell

Todd R. Fahning
City of Sparta Administrator
Director of Community Development

608.269.4340 x232