The Wisconsin Innovation Awards are currently seeking nominations for their fourth annual business competition to celebrate the creative spirit.

Founded by two Madison entrepreneurs, Matt Younkle and Joe Boucher, the awards program highlights and honors the development of groundbreaking, innovative and transformational ideas. Their goal is to encourage an even richer environment of innovation by connecting and showcasing innovators throughout the state of Wisconsin, across industries and organizations of all shapes and sizes.

“The Wisconsin Innovation Awards seek to find innovation in all its forms, happening in all corners of our state. Your participation makes you a part of an incredible statewide network of the brightest, most inspirational creators in Wisconsin,” said Younkle.

The awards recognize that innovation continuously springs up throughout the state in various shapes, from internet startups and biotech companies, to a wide spectrum of other industries including manufacturing, sustainable agriculture, life sciences, education, health technology, forest products and nonprofits.

Click here to nominate an idea before the June 1 deadline.

Winners will be announced at the Wisconsin Memorial Union in Madison on Oct. 4, 2017. The event includes a pre-reception with an opportunity to network with finalists, past winners and entrepreneurs from around Wisconsin.

Now in its fourth year, the Wisconsin Innovation Awards have achieved impressive reach, attracting more than 1,375 attendees from the public and private sectors. They bring together a diverse array of creative pioneers to celebrate revolutionary ideas from around the state.