Entrepreneur Resources & Programs

New QNBV rules helping startups reach success

Ensuring the success of Wisconsin’s economy relies on creating a vibrant and supportive entrepreneurial environment. That’s why WEDC and its network of statewide partners are committed to helping startups reach success. One way we are achieving this is through recent changes to the Qualified New Business Ventures (QNBV) program. Read More

2019-04-12T15:47:38-05:00June 5, 2018|Entrepreneur Resources & Programs, Launch|

State minority entrepreneurs can now get a boost from Kiva matching microloans

Entrepreneurs in Wisconsin’s minority business communities can get an extra boost, as WEDC and the state’s minority chambers of commerce have teamed up to provide matching funds for Kiva loans that are funded for Wisconsin entrepreneurs whose projects have been approved through the chambers. Read More

2019-01-16T15:28:36-06:00February 23, 2018|Entrepreneur Resources & Programs, Launch|

QNBV companies have a record year in 2016

2016 saw Wisconsin high-tech startups raise a record $281.7 million in funding as part of WEDC’s Qualified New Business Venture (QNBV) Program. Investments in QNBV companies were up a whopping 60 percent from $177 million in 2015. WEDC issued a near-record $17.9 million in tax credits, surpassed only by the $18.2 million issued in 2015. Read More

2019-04-12T15:32:31-05:00September 1, 2017|Entrepreneur Resources & Programs|