Featured Companies & Awards

Governor’s Business Plan Contest features “Baker’s Dozen” at Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference

From disintegrating hypodermic needles to aircraft you can build in a garage to liquid-composite armor technology, the innovations spotlighted at the 17th annual Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference were novel and plentiful. Read More

HATCH regional finale pitch competitions showcase local startup communities

Winners have been chosen in three regional HATCH pitch competitions, highlighting the entrepreneurial activity that takes place all across Wisconsin—not just in major cities. Read More

Wisconsin startups are changing the tech industry

Wisconsin’s relatively low cost of living, combined with tax incentives, exemptions and credits, makes it more affordable for founders to start and ramp up a new business. Here are five startups that are taking advantage of these benefits and changing the tech industry from right here in Wisconsin. Read More

2018-12-10T08:45:02-06:00December 6, 2018|Featured Companies & Awards, Launch|

American Provenance finds entrepreneurial success In Wisconsin®

To see how Wisconsin’s smaller communities are embracing and supporting their homegrown entrepreneurs, look no further than Mount Horeb-based American Provenance. The personal-care product maker was founded in Wisconsin, and as it grows the company remains committed to working with Wisconsin-based suppliers to help those businesses benefit as well. Read More

2018-11-08T16:18:54-06:00November 6, 2018|Featured Companies & Awards, Launch|