
New QNBV rules helping startups reach success

Ensuring the success of Wisconsin’s economy relies on creating a vibrant and supportive entrepreneurial environment. That’s why WEDC and its network of statewide partners are committed to helping startups reach success. One way we are achieving this is through recent changes to the Qualified New Business Ventures (QNBV) program. Read More

2019-04-12T15:47:38-05:00June 5, 2018|Entrepreneur Resources & Programs, Launch|

Wisconsin Innovation Awards seek nominations for fifth annual competition

Nominations and applications are being accepted through June 1 for the Wisconsin Innovation Awards, which honors the development of groundbreaking and transformational ideas in an array of sectors, such as agriculture, biotech, manufacturing, life sciences, education, nonprofits and health care. Read More

2018-05-22T10:27:14-05:00April 30, 2018|Events & Community Support, Launch|